You make all the difference. Now you can double it before the end of the year!
Thanks to donors like you, the Alliance is making good progress toward our fund-raising goal for this year. Two special donors have thrown a challenge out there: up to 7500, they will match your gifts.

Your funding directly supports:
*FREE membership and participation in Alliance activities like Waterfest and the Scavenger Hunt
*School and camp Design Circles where kids directly contribute to the Watershed Resilience Action Plan
*Free learning experiences for all ages--and participation in statewide conferences
*Community leadership development for ecological understanding and regional planning
*Hands-on stewardship for habitat care and restoration of species like river herring
...and much more that keeps our communities strong through learning, planning, and action together.
Thanks to the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation's LIS Futures Fund, we have brought in much of the needed funding to co-design the first-in-our-region community-led Watershed Resilience Action Plan. Social scientist Meg Wheatley tells us there is no power stronger than a community that knows what it wants.
Help us to bring our communities together in unified action from many voices!
